Hope Institute Application
Lessons to Learn for Spiritual Leaders in the Body of Christ
The biggest concern in the Kingdom of God is lack of training for Biblical Counsel. Jesus died on the cross to guide, counsel, mentor, restore and reconcile.
When people in the church have a problem, the tendency is to hide, because they really don’t think there is help. Pastors, Elders and significant Lay Leaders need to be trained in how to counsel from the Word of God. Not just one-liners and send them on with a few scriptures. This is about intervention.
Bridge of Hope ministries offers Hope Institute. Nine courses on how to counsel from the Word of God.
So, why do people leave the church and never come back? There are many reasons for another discussion but, in general, spiritual leaders are ignoring and make rationalizations about avoiding the counsel of God’s people.
The reason sheep need a shepherd is they cannot find their way alone. We all need God’s counsel, wisdom and discernment.
The love of God can be caught but the counsel of God must be taught.
Hope Institute is equivalent to a Master’s Degree in Biblical Counseling.
Serving A Risen Savior,
Raymond Lee Fabing, PhD, LPC
Founder, President
Our Invitation to the Hope Institute
A biblical counseling certificate training with much experiential focus from Dr. Fabing’s 50+ years of counseling in various venues and private practice.
The nine courses consist of six lessons in each course designed with the student in mind to progress at their desired pace. Taken by correspondence at one lesson a week will take a year to complete. Lessons are often accomplished at a faster rate. Courses may be taught at our site or yours. If at your site, we will contract with your organization for at least 10 prepaid students two months in advance.
All courses have been reviewed in 2020 and follow an easy pattern for a foundational and in-depth understanding. Scriptural and principled focus are the
main points of our courses. What we teach brings healing, restoration, and reconciliation provided there are willing participants focused on Holy Spirit change.
Serving A Risen Savior,
Raymond Lee Fabing, PhD, LPC
Hope Institute
Nine courses on how to counsel from the Word of God. A low cost, at your pace certificate course of study. Many degreed counselors have stated they learned more about being equipped caregivers in these courses of study than college or seminary.
– Each course has six lessons
– The foundational course is Practical Intervention
Ministry Series
– Advanced Training
– Evangelism, How to Study, Mentor, Minister
– Biblical Care Concepts
– Temperament
Relationship Series – Survey Courses
– God’s Call to Manhood
– God’s Call to Womanhood
– Divorce Recovery, Blended Families, Single Parent
– Nurturing Long Lasting Healthy Loving Relationships; Marriage
Specific instructions are given at the end of each course about progress to the next
course. We ask that these courses not be shared unless permission is granted from Bridge
of Hope Ministries. Requests must be made by mail.